Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Proud of My Boy

Odie is officially on Christmas break! We're still waiting for our vacation homework to come in, but he's been having a very chill break so far. Not so much videos this week. Just regular training and play sessions.

Basic Obedience class just keeps getting better! I really look forward to going to class every weekend, and if I have the resources, I would like to have more sessions to keep Odie and I on our toes. I like how I'm being taught a lot about how to have fun with Odie while making him learn at the same time. He's also responding very well to his teacher and he has no inhibitions when interacting with his classmates.

We were first to arrive last Sunday, and the other classmates came in late. Upon entering the venue, Odie ran to Doc Marose, tried to jump, and just sat in front of her while smiling and wagging his tail. She then started reviewing Odie while waiting for the others. He's learning to follow with less jumping which really surprised me! He would usually forget about walking and would just keep jumping or hopping to follow the treat me. When the others came, Doc also did mini individual sessions with them before gathering us all and teaching us how to train our dogs to do the "down" and "stand" commands. Odie has already been doing "down" but has never done it without a lure. We were taught the hand signal, and it immediately worked! As for "stand", it's still a bit difficult to execute, especially when Odie comes from a sitting position, because he has a tendency to jump towards the treat. We'll get there.

I was so happy with Odie's progress last Sunday, and his growth in general. During the last session, teacher kept on borrowing Odie from me to do demonstrations of the things we have to cover. She kept on thinking of choosing another dog to do a demo with, but everyone concluded that he's the one who has most adjusted to the environment and is very receptive of the toys and treats being presented to him, so she kinda had no choice. School has really become his second home. Of course, some demos took quite a while to finish (especially those involving impulse control), but good things come to those who wait, right?

Odie being handled by Doc Marose. I just had to take a photo, and he just had to
stick out his tongue at me. Yabang!
Teacher showed us a shaping behavior exercise before dismissing the class. She put a treat on her right palm, opened her left palm, and only gave the treat when Odie nudged her left palm. Of course, she had to sit in order to adjust to the puppy's height. Odie struggled at first, then learned to do it effectively. After a few repetitions, however, and to everyone's surprise, Odie totally ditched the treats on teacher's palm and SHOVED his face in the treat container that was attached to her belt! I guess he figured that the treat source was nearby so why not? I mean, he has outsmarted me a couple of times, but I didn't think he would outsmart his teacher! This is one clever boy!

I wouldn't forget what happened at the end of that class. I've already packed up our stuff, greeted one another "Merry Christmas" and we were ready to leave when Doc Marose knelt down in front of Odie and softly whispered to him, "You're a really good boy" and gave him a pat on the head. I don't know if she wanted me to hear it but I heard it and I just melted! It took every ounce of courage for me to successfully fight the tears from falling! I know it's so stage mother of me, but how can I not be proud of him? It just felt so good to be affirmed that I'm on the right track in raising Odie, and that my hard work is bearing fruit, in spite of all the difficulties I've been enduring.

I'm really glad to have found a training facility which is right in the next village when I was on one of my Google sprees prior to Odie's arrival. The teaching method used in Pet Centrics is working really well and has given us very good results. I hope that after the Basic Obedience course, we could enroll in other classes (is there Advanced Obedience?) or have one on one sessions from time to time.

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