Thursday, November 1, 2012

Name Recognition Overload!!!

It's hell week in Puppy Class (aka I'm busy writing blog entries, while my sister is busy editing videos) because Odie and his classmates are graduating on Saturday. Sniff sniff. I WANT MORE! And I'm half serious about making him a toga and a cap.

This entry is gonna be pretty long, so don't hate me, please. Also, please note that I did the name recognition exercises by myself, so Odie was clipped to his lead most of the time. I thought that if I placed the camera on a tripod, he would just tip it over, and having the lead on lessened the risks of broken things in the household, as well as dog chasing.

First video is the name recognition exercise in the dining room. He kept sniffing the legs of the chairs, and bit one chair leg as well. Thanks to the treats and his amazing sense of smell, however, this only took us two minutes to accomplish!

I also had a lead on him in the garage, because when we shot this, he could still fit in the space between the gate and the floor, and might just escape into oblivion! Since there aren't a lot of things in the garage, we were able to finish this quickly.

Our little front yard is Odie's main play area. You may notice that the plants have already died (he kept peeing on them before, but now has found his perfect spot), and a lot of the leaves have been chewed on. You may also notice quite a hyper response on the last few tries, as well as his intense focus on what he was doing prior to being called. We've yet to control his habit of chewing on leaves. I doubt that Odie's a vegetarian.

He's already progressed so much since the name recognition exercises. After all, he's a lot bigger now than he was when these videos were taken. Gotta admit though that there are still times when Odie doesn't respond when he's called. I'm thinking it's a Beagle thing, when his nose gets activated. He's very quick to respond though when my hand is closed. Sometimes he even sits and stays quiet. Hah!! Anything for a treat, I guess!

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