I had nothing to do today so I welcomed a good break by finally working on the baked liver treats that Doc Marose brought to class in case some babies didn't bring baon.
As I mentioned in a previous post, it's just chicken liver, honey, parsley, and graham crackers. It's been a decade, I think, since I last baked something from scratch. I had a cheesecake-baking phase just because I found a recipe online. HAHA. Embarrassing, I know.
We ran out of treats after Odie's graduation, save for the Canine Carry Outs which should be given sparingly. I've been wanting to work on the liver bits but when I went to Shopwise on Sunday night, they already ran out of both chicken and beef liver. They still had pork liver, but I don't trust pork enough to work with my baby. Granted, I went there at around 10PM, so hey, it's partly my bad I went home empty-handed!
I finally got liver on Tuesday night in SM North (I know, right?) for P125/kg. The recipe only requires a pound of liver, so that's roughly half a kilo, but I didn't know how big a batch would be, and I was surprised that it's pretty cheap so I decided to get a kilogram. I knew I wouldn't bake that night, so I went to Pet Express just to check the place out because I haven't yet, and got Bearing Jerky Sticks in beef liver flavor, also to see if Odie would like it. That was the same day that news surfaced AGAIN about dog treats made in China that led to sickness and death in dogs, so I read all the labels and practically threw treats that were made in China. The Bearing treats look a LOT like the Sleeky ones, and both are made in Thailand. Odie seemed to like it, although I really couldn't find anything besides bananas that he wouldn't eat. He even likes to chew on little stones! Hay nako.
As I mentioned in a previous post, it's just chicken liver, honey, parsley, and graham crackers. It's been a decade, I think, since I last baked something from scratch. I had a cheesecake-baking phase just because I found a recipe online. HAHA. Embarrassing, I know.
We ran out of treats after Odie's graduation, save for the Canine Carry Outs which should be given sparingly. I've been wanting to work on the liver bits but when I went to Shopwise on Sunday night, they already ran out of both chicken and beef liver. They still had pork liver, but I don't trust pork enough to work with my baby. Granted, I went there at around 10PM, so hey, it's partly my bad I went home empty-handed!

Making the liver bits is pretty easy! I just tossed the liver in our trusty Osterizer blender which has been with us since I was a child. I thought the blender would have a hard time with it so I was really careful and took out the fat around the liver, but the liver liquefied pretty fast! Then I took the stems out of the parsley and tossed it in there as well. Poured the honey, then the crushed graham crackers. I couldn't find the crushed grahams in the grocery, so I bought a pack of the whole crackers, put them in a ziplock, then rolled a can of sardines over it. Crushing complete!
Put the liver in the microwave to cook, cut it up, put it in a baking sheet, then put it in the oven set to 100°C (200°F is less than 100, but that's the lowest setting in ours) to dehydrate. I put 2 tiers there wasn't enough space, but the lower tier got charred on one side so I had to throw it away. Good thing it wasn't a lot! (Tip: while waiting for the oven, soak all the things you used in dishwashing soap, then rinse maybe after a half hour. Time saver!) So here's the final product:
It kinda looks like the chicken blood being sold in a typical isaw place. My sister and I tried a piece because it uses human food ingredients anyway, and EW! How can dogs love something like this? I made uneven sizes because I knew it was gonna be dried, so I wanted to know the ideal training size. For the next batch, I'm going to have a more structured cutting strategy. Would love to make another batch tomorrow, but I don't have enough graham crackers, and I don't know how long one batch will last us.
My sister made Odie try a few pieces before baking, and I think he liked it. He kept barking when he finished that lot. In terms of high-value treats, I put the liver on my left hand, then the Bearing stick on my right. He sniffed my right hand first, which kind of offended me and my lack of kitchen skills, so I switched and put the liver on my right hand. Kept switching to see which one Odie was more interested in, but he just went for whatever was on my right hand. HAY. How do I work this out?
I'm quite happy that my kitchen experiment was a success! Tomorrow, I'll put different treats in a line in hopes of finding out his ranking. Wish me luck.
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