Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health Concerns for the We(a)k

Like I wrote on one of the entries here, I dread the day when Odie swallows a cigarette butt during one of our walks because the residents of this village are filthy, irresponsible people.

Ugh. It happened.

Last Friday, Odie and I went for an afternoon walk to tire out his hyperactivity. We went to the gates of his friends, went to the gates of his former friends (the Pom who's suddenly sungit towards him), and to the gates of his favorite friends. I saw him pick up something from the ground. Lo and behold - it was a cigarette filter!!! I freaked and had to pry his mouth open while holding on to his collar with one hand. Did my best to take it out, but he kept lifting his tongue to outsmart me and ended up swallowing the very flattened out filter. Ugh! The agony!!! I contacted his vet right away and he told me that it's digestible, especially if it's menthol. Told me to give Odie something sweet to line his intestinal tract (I gave peanut butter), and observe for unusual signs.

I gave him the peanut butter before giving dinner kibble, and he got really excited, so I thanked the heavens that his appetite and energy were still as strong. After dinner, we played for a while, I took him out of his crate and at his usual bathroom spot to generate business, but nothing came out after hours of play and training. I was gonna give up and just put him back in his crate for bedtime, but he suddenly threw up around half a cup of kibble and treats! Panic ensues, another call to the vet, and I was told to give him Gatorade and keep observing. Odie seemed so thin, but still kept barking and howling and playing with me. He saw the container of his kibble and jumped for joy, perhaps asking to get back the food that he lost. I gave him half of his usual amount just to get him through the night. He ate, then slept.

The next morning, it was graduation day! He went to school and went crazy (more on that in the next entry), went home, had two vaccines, and he'll be dewormed again starting tomorrow night. I AM SO NOT HAPPY WITH DEWORMING! He cried a lot during the vaccines, even peed on April's shirt, and fell asleep.

This morning I gave him his dental stick after breakfast. He always has fun chewing it for a bit then spitting it out, then picking it up again and spitting it out again til the last morsel. He did the same thing today, except there was a moment he was just staring at me while lying flat on his belly and playing with the dental stick. He was peeing! Peeing in his wire crate while lying on his belly? But he's potty-trained! So yes, I contacted the vet again, who told me it has nothing to do with yesterday's vaccines, and is just probably circumstantial. Again, he told me to observe. Of course, I've been very watchful this weekend, but is observing all I can and should do? Part of me would like to get a second opinion. Ho hum...

Odie's been acting like his usual crazy, kulit self this afternoon, so I really hope there's nothing to worry about. As for the cigarette incident, it's been almost 48 hours, so he most probably pooped it out already. I'm also writing to the village officers about it in hopes that they would give a fuck. There are still quite a number of vacant lots here, and that's where most of the trash is at present, but that's not an excuse to just leave them lying around! As for future walks, I guess I'm sticking with commercial spots right now. They're a lot cleaner, and are generally better for training/hanging out.

But if there's anyone who could tell me what I should do, there's the comments section! I'll be waiting :D

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