Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wake Up!

Aaaaaand we're back to making homework videos!

Odie is currently enrolled in Pet Centrics' Advanced Basic Obedience class. The last time we submitted homework videos was sometime in April, I think, when we were in Intermediate class and I have to admit, the stress is getting to me. It wasn't very easy to cover outdoor locations this time around. I thought of just staying in our neighborhood and in the surrounding area of our training venue but it took a while for me to get that done. There are just too many free-roaming dogs! Same problem as before, stubborn owners who open their homes' gates in the morning, when it's cool enough to actually STAY outside. My only consolation is that it feels extra good to accomplish something because of the perpetual challenge.

There are only two dog students in the advanced class right now. No competition, right? WRONG. The exercises are tougher, I find myself going over the handouts more than thrice, I'm still given the same amount of time to do home training, and that time is just not enough considering the other things I need to write and my very erratic sleeping pattern. I've resorted to boiling/grilling meat instead of baking treats to save time. I seriously need to refocus.

Here are our submissions for session 1. I won't be submitting session 2 yet because we haven't covered six locations yet. Keeping my fingers crossed that we finish session 2 videos by Tuesday. May there be zero free roaming dogs this week if not forever.

Odie and Beagle are lagging behind on the lessons so our teacher is adjusting to the dogs' and the humans' learning curve (read: taking out some lessons, aka fewer stuff to learn). The epiphany happened when I saw Odie doing really well on the perch and kept making mistakes on the mat. Beagle, however, did a splendid job on the mat but was having trouble with the perch. One thing's for sure, the humans are focusing on just one lesson instead of getting a good grip on both exercises. Perhaps Odie's old mat which he tore into pieces played a role in this.

This isn't the first time I got frustrated about homework. But then it does feel very different when you're competing only with yourself (there are still homework points, but there's obviously no ranking involved). At first I thought the urgency isn't there, except it kinda punched me on the face. Then again I'm also learning a lot from all the stress so there's no use dodging the punches. In spite of everything though, I'm still proud of whatever Odie has accomplished. Not a lot of dogs are given the chance to get a good education, and I couldn't imagine what life would be like if we didn't immerse ourselves in training.

I'll take his breakthroughs as a sign. This week, we'll be much better. I'm claiming it!

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